They’re sweet, they’re healthy, and they come in all different shapes and sizes. And while there are plenty of fruits to choose from, sometimes it’s fun to focus on a specific letter of the alphabet. So today, we’re going to take a look at some delicious fruits that start with the letter J. From juicy oranges to exotic dragonfruit, there’s something for everyone on this list.
Red Fruits That Start With J:
Jocote Fruit:
The jocote fruit is a delicious and nutritious addition to any diet. Here are 5 reasons you should add it to your list of favorites:
Jocote fruit is packed with nutrients. It contains high levels of vitamins A, C, and B6, as well as minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
Jocote fruit is low in calories but high in fiber. This makes it a great choice if you’re looking for a healthy snack that will fill you up without weighing you down.
Jelly Plum Fruit:
The jelly plum fruit is a type of sweet, jelly-like fruit that is often enjoyed as a dessert. The fruit has a mild but pleasant flavor and a texture that is somewhat similar to that of jelly. The fruit is high in sugar and calories, making it a not-so-healthy indulgence. However, the fruit does contain some beneficial nutrients, such as fiber and vitamin C.
Japanese Plum:
A Japanese plum is a small, tart fruit that is related to the apricot. They are commonly eaten fresh or used in jams, jellies, and pies.
Japanese plums are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. They also contain antioxidants that may help protect the body from cell damage and aging.
Juneberry Fruit:
The Juneberry fruit is a small, tart berry that is often enjoyed in jams and pies. The fruit can be eaten fresh or dried, and it is popular for its nutritional value and flavor. Juneberries are a good source of antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber. The fruit also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it a healthy choice for those looking to improve their health.
Purple Fruits That Start With Letter J:

Jambolan Plum:
The Jamun or Jambolan plum is a species of Syzygium in the family Myrtaceae. It is a large, deciduous tree that grows up to 35 m tall, with a trunk diameter of up to 1.5 m. The leaves are simple, glossy, dark green, and elliptical in shape. The flowers are white or pink, and fragrant. The fruit is a deep purple-black drupe 3–6 cm long and 2–3 cm wide, containing a single seed.
Juniper Berry:
Juniper berries add a unique flavor to gin and are also used as a flavoring in some medicines. They are available dried or fresh and can be found at most health food stores.
Juniper berries contain volatile oils, acids, and resins that have been shown to have beneficial effects on the liver and pancreas. They are also known for their diuretic properties, which can help rid the body of toxins. Additionally, juniper berries are thought to help support the urinary tract system.
Java Plum:
Java Plum, scientific name Syzygium cumini, is a tropical fruit that is related to the myrtle family. It is also called Jamun, Jambolan, black plum, and dark plum. The fruits are oval-shaped and grow in clusters. They are dark purple or black when ripe and have a sweet-tart flavor. Java Plum is high in Vitamin C and dietary fiber. It also has minerals like potassium, magnesium, and zinc.
Java Apple:
A Java applet is a type of apple that has hard, green skin and creamy, white flesh. It gets its name from the Indonesian island of Java, where it is thought to have originated. Java apples are available from October to February and are best eaten when they are firm and have a sweet-tart flavor.
Green Fruits That Start With Letter J:

June Plum:
June plums are a type of plum that is typically harvested in the early summer months. They are small, tart, and juicy, and have reddish-purple skin.
June plums are a good source of vitamin C and potassium. They also contain dietary fiber, which can help to regulate digestion. June plums are a low-calorie fruit, with only 42 calories per plum.
Junglesop Fruit:
Junglesop fruit is a unique, tropical fruit that is often enjoyed for its sweet and tangy taste. The fruit grows on a small tree that is found in the jungles of Central America.
The jungle fruit is oblong in shape and has smooth, waxy skin that ranges in color from green to yellow. The interior of the fruit is filled with small seeds and sweet, white flesh. The flavor of the jungle fruit is considered to be similar to that of a grapefruit or orange.
Jacaratia Mexicana Fruit:
Jacaratia Mexicana is a fruit that is native to Mexico. It is also known as the “headache tree” because the juice from the fruit is said to be able to cure headaches.
The jacaranda Mexicana fruit is green in color and has a sour taste. It is used in Mexican cuisine as a seasoning for food. The fruit can also be dried and used as a spice.
Colorful Fruits That Start With The Letter J:

Jaboticaba is a delicious fruit that is often overlooked. It’s a unique flavor and texture make it a favorite among those who have tried it.
Jaboticaba is a purple grape-like fruit that grows on a tree. The skin is thin and the fruit can be eaten whole, including the seeds. It has a sweet, musky taste that reminds some people of chocolate or earthy flavors. Jaboticaba is high in antioxidants and vitamin C, making it a healthy snack choice.
Jostaberry is a cross between a blackcurrant and a gooseberry. It was created in the early 1970s in Germany and is now available in many countries around the world. Jostaberries are relatively small fruits, about the size of a grape, with a sweet-tart taste that combines the best flavors of blackcurrants and gooseberries. They are good eaten fresh or used in jams, pies, smoothies, or other recipes.
Jamaican Tangelo:
The Jamaican Tangelo is a cross between a Grapefruit and a Tangerine. It is larger than a grapefruit, with a more elongated shape and a deeper orange color. The Jamaican Tangelo has sweet, juicy flesh with a tart aftertaste.
Some people find the taste of the Jamaican Tangelo to be too sour, while others find it to be sweet and tangy. Its flavor is similar to that of other tangelos, but it is considered to be juicier and sweeter than most.
Japanese Pear:
Japanese pears are a type of pear that is sweet and juicy with a mild flavor. They are usually eaten raw, but can also be cooked. Some people say that they taste like a cross between an apple and a pear. Japanese pears are high in fiber and Vitamin C, and they also contain antioxidants that can help protect the body against disease. They are a great source of potassium, which can help regulate blood pressure. Japanese pears are available year-round, but they are in peak season from September to November.
Dry Fruits That Start With J:

Jatoba Fruit:
The jatoba fruit (Hymenaea courbaril) is a tropical fruit that is similar in appearance to a mango. It is a reddish-brown color and has a sweet, musky taste. Jatoba fruit is high in Vitamin C and other antioxidants, which make it a healthy choice for snacking or adding to your diet. Jatoba fruit can be enjoyed fresh or juiced.
Jujube Fruit:
Jujube fruit is a small, round, red fruit that is related to the apple and the pear. It has a sweet, nutty taste and is used in many traditional Asian dishes.
Jujubes are a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. They are also said to be beneficial for digestion and have anti-inflammatory properties.
Jacaratia Spinosa:
Jacaratia Spinosa is a plant that grows in the rainforest. The natives use the leaves and latex of the plant to make a tea that is used for diabetes, stomach ulcers, and as a contraceptive. There is no scientific evidence to support any of these uses.
The leaves and latex of the Jacaratia Spinosa plant contain hydrocyanic acid, which can be toxic in high doses.
Jamaican Nutmeg:
Nutmeg is the seed of a tree that is native to the Spice Islands of Indonesia. The nutmeg tree is an evergreen that can grow up to 50 feet tall. The nutmeg fruit has a red outer skin and a yellow inner flesh. The nutmeg seed is encased in the fruit’s inner flesh.
The nutmeg seed is dried and then ground into powder. Nutmeg powder is used to flavor food items such as cookies, cakes, puddings, and other sweet dishes.
Seed Fruits That Start With J:

Jackfruit is a tropical fruit that is becoming more popular in the United States. It has a sweet, fruity taste and is a good source of fiber.
Jackfruit is a good source of many nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. It also contains antioxidants, which can help protect cells from damage. Jackfruit is high in fiber, which can help promote regularity and digestive health. Additionally, jackfruit contains protein and carbohydrates, making it a good choice for athletes or people who are looking for an energy boost.
Jua Fruit:
Jua Fruit is a sweet and sour fruit that is native to Africa. The fruit is often used in stews and sauces, and can also be eaten raw. Jua fruit is high in Vitamin C and contains other nutrients such as potassium and magnesium.
The fruit can be difficult to find outside of Africa, but it may be possible to order online. Jua fruit tastes similar to a tart apple and can be enjoyed as a healthy snack or added to recipes for flavor.