The Czimer family has been in the retail food business since 1914. The game meats started in the 1930s when my grandfather purchased game animals at the time they were in season from the commission houses in Chicago.
Game farms of today’s standards were yet to be thought of. Back then, if someone wanted pleasant, duck, venison or anything of a wild game variety, they would have to go get it themselves.
Our retail store has been in Homer township since 1970 when the 63rd Street butcher shop was closed, and the family concentrated on presenting game meats only. Across the street was a dairy farm, west of us was a horse farm, and going east the first stop sign was Wolf Road.
As the years passed, suburbia invaded the farmland and woods that once made up Homer township. The retail store remains to be the basis of the business. We have also been shipping our products across the country since the opening of the store to our customers that desire fine food.
This family’s business dates back to 1914. Founded by a Hungarian immigrant, John Czimer, a small butcher shop blossomed into a major food industry.